The infected email may also claim to have the latest news about a recent event.
The subject line would be something like “a killer at 11, he’s free at 21 and killing again,” “naked teens attack home director,” and “radical Muslim drinking enemy blood.” An infected email may also pose as a holiday greeting from a loved one, claiming to have a link to an e-card that actually unleashes the Storm Worm. Specifically, the subject line of an infected email mentions fake, yet sensational, stories to incite rabid curiosity.
The malware author makes use of social engineering to encourage users to download and open the attachment. One of the ways the Storm Worm spreads is through email as an EXE file attachment. Note that there’s a similarly named malware called, which was released in 2001 to initiate DDoS attacks against. This makes the whole operation more difficult to be taken down by law enforcements, because when a node is shut down, other nodes can easily take its place. Instead, command and control is embedded into each peer in the P2P network. But unlike the typical botnet, the Storm Worm botnet does not rely on a centralized server for command and control. The entire process essentially aims to make the infected computer be part of a large, for-profit botnet that’s under the control of the Storm Worm creators. These files have unique functions, which include launching distributed denial-of-service (DDos) attacks, installing a backdoor through which the controllers can remotely access the computer, stealing email addresses, and using these email addresses to spread the virus further. The network is also where the Storm Worm may download several files, usually named game0.exe through game5.exe. When contact is made, it registers the computer as a new peer in the P2P network, where it waits for instructions from its controllers. The worm opens a number of UDP ports to establish contact with a private, encrypted peer-to-peer (P2P) network based on the Overnet protocol. Once active in the system, the Storm Worm injects a file called wincom32.sys that surreptitiously runs as a device service driver.
It compromises computers that run certain versions of the Windows operating system. The malware is also known as Peacomm, Nuwar and Small.DAM. While commonly referred to as the Storm Worm, this malware is technically not a worm but rather a Trojan horse, in that it contains malicious functions while claiming to be a legitimate program.

In fact, the malware’s distributed computing capability was so powerful that it easily outperformed the world’s most powerful supercomputer at the time. Remember 2007? Back then, a threat called “Storm Worm” caught mainstream media attention for affecting millions of computers. Every year, there’s always at least one major malware outbreak that rampages across the globe.